These forms are vital for the mentoring aspect of the program. They help prevent falling into a purely academic mode. The mentor is free to create his own forms, or add to these as he sees fit.

Information Form for Mentors

Trimestrial Evaluation

Student Conduct

Evaluation of Class

Information Form for Mentors

(by Don Donell)

What are your reasons for participating in this program? (Mark all which apply)

    1. _____  Get a degree from FLET or MINTS
    2. _____  Attain to an office in the church, such as pastor or elder
    3. ______Serve in the church as a teacher for children or youth
    4. ______Teach an adult Sunday School group
    5. ______Work in evangelism and discipleship
    6. ______ Other
  1. Have you participated in some other training program, such as a Bible institute or Seminary?
    1. Which?
    2. Did you receive a degree?
  2. How would you describe your personal quiet time in the last six weeks?
    1. ____ I read the Bible and pray daily
    2. ____ I read the Bible and pray at least 3 times a week
    3. ____ My Bible reading and prayer life are inconsistent
  3. What was the last Christian book you read?
  4. How would you describe your service to the church?
    1. ____ with people: Counseling, evangelizing, Sunday School work, visitation.
____  with things: Church maintenance, administration of the finances and other resources.
    3. ____ Help lead the worship service.
    4. ____ I am very dissatisfied with my role in the church

The following are various aspects of ministry available to the student in order to fulfill the practical requirement in his studies. Mark all those that interest you.


  1. ____ Teaching a Sunday school class. Underline your preference: Children, youth, adults.
  2. ____ Teach a cell group in a home.


  1. ____ I would like to preach once every three months.
  2. ____ I would like to preach in the jails to the prisoners.


  1. ____Observe a counselor
  2. ____Accompany the pastor in his visits, such as to the hospital or private homes.
  3. ____Read the Bible in the worship service
  4. ____Prepare the LordÕs Supper
  5. ____Host a cell group, without necessarily teaching
  6. ____Participate in the music program at the church


  1. ____ Door to door
  2. ____ Personal
  3. ____ give out tracts in the street or the park. 
  4. ____ Help at a book distribution table.

Deaconal work

  1. ____ Cleaning the church
  2. ____ Keeping the church repaired, such as painting and seat arranging
  3. ____ Supervising the library
  4. ____ Greeting people when they enter the church

Candidate Evaluation

This form should be completed for each candidate after each course. It forms part of the mentoring grade.

Name of Candidate ___________________________________

Church ___________________________

Date  ____________________________


1. Accepts corrections graciously, without shifting blame and puts into practice the correction. 

5       4       3       2       1

2. Has a good attitude toward the authority of
the church board or session.

5       4       3       2       1

3. Is teachable

5       4       3       2       1

4. Puts into practice what he learns.

5       4       3       2       1

5. Shows respect to his leaders.

5       4       3       2       1

6. Has a servant attitude.

5       4       3       2       1

7. When he has conflicts with other Christians, he shows prudence and maturity.

5       4       3       2       1

8. He does the work he is assigned.

5       4       3       2       1

9. When he has appointments, he makes an effort to keep them.

5       4       3       2       1

10. He is generally punctual.

       5       4       3       2       1

11. He has a good testimony toward those outside the church.

        5       4       3       2       1

12. His children are respectful and obedient

        5       4       3       2       1

13. Treats members of the church equally.

         5       4       3       2       1

14. Shows wisdom in administrative matters.

5       4       3       2       1

15. His wife is happy to help in the ministry..

      5       4       3       2       1

16. Shows wisdom in financial matters.

       5       4       3       2       1

17. Shows more interest in ministering to people than having titles and attention.

       5       4       3       2       1

 Final Evaluation  _________________


Evaluation of Course

Note: This evaluation is anonymous. Do not write your name.

Course____________________ TeacherÕs name____________________


(Draw a circle around one of the numbers.)


About the course material

The course objectives were clear.        5         4         3  2  1

Organization of the material                  5         4         3  2  1

Control and order in the class                5         4         3  2  1

Friendly class atmosphere                     5         4         3  2  1

Good handout material                         5         4         3  2  1

About the teacher

Clarity of presentation                          5         4         3  2  1

Answers questions clearly                      5         4         3        

Knows the material                              5         4         3  2  1

The teacher is punctual                         5         4         3    

Shows interest in the students              5         4         3  2  1

Encourages class participation               5         4         3  2  1

Shows respect for the students              5         4         3  2  1

Encourages students to think                5         4         3  2  1

Listens to other points of view               5         4         3  2  1

Provides a course plan                          5         4         3  2  1

Uses visual aids                                    5         4         3  2  1

My personal feelings about the class

My learning expectations were met        5         4         3  2  1

I learned some vital new things             5         4         3  2  1

I recommend this course                       5         4         3  2  1

I recommend this teacher                     5         4         3  2  1

This course was difficult

(Ò1Ó means ÒeasyÓ                                5         4         3  2  1

The class seemed interactive                 5         4         3  2  1


Student Conduct in the Class

Name of student__________________________

Church _______________________

Course __________________________   

Teacher _______________________________

Date __________________________


Shows interest in learning                 5         4         3     2  1 

Helps other students                         5         4         3     2  1 

Shows respect toward the teacher      5         4         3     2  1

Does homework on time.                   5         4         3     2  1

Punctual to class                               5         4         3     2  1 

Is teachable                                     5         4         3     2  1

Does homework on time                    5         4         3     2  1 

Shows eagerness to learn                  5         4         3     2  1

Cooperates in group dynamics           5         4         3     2  1 
