Apologetics for Children
Pint-sized armor


Roger Smalling, D.Min


Society is brainwashing our children in relativistic, anti-Christian presuppositions. From school, TV, literature and friends, they hear truth is relative to the individual, belief in God is unprovable, morality is a question of personal taste and it does not matter what we believe as long as we believe in something.

Nonsense like this will become part of the very fabric of a childŐs being if not refuted early.

Most catechisms were written before relativism became the politically correct religion of the culture. Our children need to be taught to counter these ungodly thought forms with rational and biblical presuppositions.

Below are sample questions based on Romans Chapters One and Two. Young children can learn these biblical defenses.

QUESTION 1: What are three ways we know God exists?

     ANSWER: Creation, conscience and Christ.

QUESTION 2: How does creation show there is a God?

     ANSWER: If there is a creation, there must be a Creator.

QUESTION 3: What is a conscience?

     ANSWER: Conscience is our minds telling us what is right and wrong. 

QUESTION 4: Why does our conscience prove there is a God?

     ANSWER: If we know right and wrong, moral law, there must be a moral lawgiver. 

QUESTION 5: What do we mean when we say Christ proves God exists?

     ANSWER: His miracles, his perfect holiness and his resurrection from the dead show God exists.

QUESTION 6: Is it clear to everyone that God exists?

ANSWER: Yes. It is very clear to everyone.

QUESTION 7: Why do we say it is clear to everyone?

     ANSWER: Because everyone is a part of creation and everyone has a conscience. So everyone sees the proof.

QUESTION 8: Why do some people say GodŐs existence is not clear?

ANSWER: Because they do not want God to rule over them.

QUESTION 9: Why do some people not want God to rule over them?

     ANSWER: Because they love their sins.

QUESTION 10: What do we mean when we say something is true?

     ANSWER: We mean it really exists.

QUESTION 11: Can truth be just a matter of opinion?

     ANSWER: No. A thing is true whether anyone thinks it is or not.

QUESTION 12: What do we mean when we say Ôhave faith in God?Ő

     ANSWER: We mean trust his promises.


Smalling's books are available for KINDLE